High-octane film trailer for the fiercely contested League of Legends Worlds Quarterfinals. With each team’s destiny hinging on a single match-up, we wanted to emphasize the head-to-head format by crafting scenes that felt like battle arenas. With the tournament taking place in Iceland, we were inspired by the power of nature, and built out sets that were representative of the 4 elements: wind, water, fire and earth. 

To emphasize the differences within these elemental sets, we leveraged several camera support options including a BOLT arm, gimbal jib, satellite rig and doorway dolly. 

CLIENT: Riot Games
DIRECTOR: Josh Frackleton | PRODUCER: Nick Brown, Douglas Kerr
SERVICES PROVIDED: Development, Writing, Casting, Production, Editing, VFX, Sound, Color
Location: Reykjavík, Iceland